B i o g r a p h y
Jason Carter is a Nehiyaw from Onion Lake Cree Nation, Saskatchewan. His pursuit of education in health studies began in Edmonton, AB, where he discovered the Medicine Wheel at Nechi Institute, AB and found his passion in spirituality and culture. He moved to Brandon, MB where he completed a Bachelor or First Nations and Aboriginal Counselling Degree. He is currently a M.S.W student at Wilfrid Laurier University and is specializing as a Wholistic Practitioner. With access to a variety of Elders and educators, his education includes the following:
Bachelor of First Nations and Aboriginal Counselling Degree
Medicine Wheel Counsellor Associate Professional Level III Medicine Wheel Facilitator
Certified Addiction Counsellor
(CCPC) Canadian Council of Professional Certification
Native Addiction Worker Diploma
Community Addictions Training
Gambling Counselling Training
Traditional Family Parenting Training
Advanced Counsellor Training
Jason Rocky Carter is also a sundancer and practices his culture and believes in following the Elders. He studies with the Eagle Society in British Columbia, Canada. Jason has shared the teachings of the Medicine Wheel across Turtle Island and hopes to sit in a workshop with you in the future. All My Relations…
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